I know that my kids will learn resilience when they are confronted with teasing, taunting and bullying as they continue through their school years into professional years. But it never makes it okay. As leaders, we can do something about it at work, at school and at home. Shut it down. Your mission to achieve […]
Superhuman Log Date November 24, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #letitgo
There is no easy way to let it go, but as leaders, we have to learn to depersonalize feedback so we can move beyond the small stuff. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to recover quickly and step into tomorrow. #nodwelling Be kind along your journey and remember you got this!
Superhuman Log Date November 23, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #selfcare #nomorepressure
Relieve your pressure points. Start with self care. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to power up your self care and power down your self pressure. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this!
Superhuman Log Date November 22, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
We can’t all be Superhuman all of the time. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to embrace the human within. #maskoff Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this. #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #adultup #maskoff #embracethehumanwithin #humansaremessy #imperfectlyperfect #perfectlyimperfect #armorup #ampitup #levelup #suitup #mindful #be #mindfulness #covert #leadership #covertleadership #covertleadershipmission […]
Superhuman Log Date November 21, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #belief #voice
Being curious begins with challenging your own beliefs. And then magic happens. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness:To lead is to understand that curiosity is a gateway to innovation. Be kind along your journey and remember, you’ve got this!
Superhuman Log Date November 19, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #belief #voice
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to be more than just a messenger of someone else’s vision. We lead by being a missionary, finding our voice and integrating our beliefs.
Superhuman Log Date November 16, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to understand that takers are created when resources are limited. Be kind along your journey and remember, you’ve got this!
Superhuman Log Date November 15, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to find open spaces within closed quarters. #beresourceful #exhale Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this!
Superhuman Log Date November 14, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #beresourceful #exhale
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to accept that humans are messy. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this!
Superhuman Log Date November 13, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
Sometimes we are so set on being right, we stop listening to another point of view. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to swallow your pride, so you can hear what others have to say.Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this!