Superhuman Log Date March 28, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #imaginationhasnobudget

Find your inner child and remember this, imagination has no boundaries. So don’t let budget limit your ability to dream. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness:  Imagination has no budget. You can be rich in imagination. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #imaginationhasnobudget #be #imagineif #armorup #ampitup #mentorup #betterstrongerfastertogether

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Superhuman Log Date March 27, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #weNOTme #tryonforsize #Us #BetterStrongerFasterTogether

A whole lot of ME-ness can create a whole lot of ME-Messes. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: Try on WE for size.  Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #weNOTme #tryonforsize #Us #BetterStrongerFasterTogether #Superhumanness #armorup #ampitup #mentorup  

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Superhuman Log Date March 25, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup growthpains #humanup #empathy #acceptance

Humans are often both their best and worst advocates at the same time. I sometimes have these episodes of chronic migraines.  Nothing life threatening or to worry about, but when it hits, it’s incredible how flooded I am with emotions I can barely manage – both mine and others’ emotions. It is not so much […]

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