Superhuman Log Date March 11, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #yougotthis #armorup #suitup #powersuitup

Okay folks, really. Can’t we just agree that we all need to don our superhero outfits when we need to armor up and slay? Choose one superhero outfit for that job interview, public speaking engagement, facilitation, presentation, exam. Have that outfit at the ready, one that makes you feel powerful, strong, confident. Your mission to achieve […]

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Superhuman Log Date March 10, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #lessselffocus #helpinghand #wheelofmisfortune armorup #heroup #beinghuman

Remember the show Wheel of Fortune? Today I was thinking, am I on the wheel of misfortune? 2018 has kicked off to a rough start professionally. Yet, a few clients have stepped up their engagements so I know that for every action there is a reaction. 2017 was not a good start for political reasons. Yet, […]

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Superhuman Log Date March 8, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #relearntovaluehumans #values #superhumanness #beinghuman #ai

The future is ours, but really it’s not entirely ours. It’s also technology’s, the more we empower technology. Businesses are hedging their bets that AI may be filling in the gaps where we have a human shortage in our knowledge workforce. And right now, technologists are working hard to make that prediction a reality because […]

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Superhuman Log Date March 7, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #superhumanlistening #superhumanfocusandattention #beinghuman #listening

I just finished a workshop with a really insightful and thoughtful group of people. One of their super strengths? Superhuman  listening, focus and attention. It stems from their ability to listen. Your mission to achieve superhumanness: Harness your superhuman listening, focus and attention for individuals at work and in your life.  It’s the most respectful […]

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Superhuman Log Date March 6, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #imperfectscore #aim #strategy #leadership #superhumanstrengths #superhumanness

Breaking bad habits is one of the hardest things to do. But with support, it gets easier. I watch clients struggle with change, and I wish we didn’t put so much emphasis on a perfect (revenue) score. Your mission to achieve superhumanness: Don’t aim for a perfect score every time. Some years you just need […]

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Superhuman Log Date March 4, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #perfectlyimperfect #emotionalhonesty #beingmessy #messysuperhuman #messyhuman

It’s not easy to wake up every morning to what feels like a plethora of political falsities. I suppose that’s why I just want to shout out and declare all ugly truths that weave in and out of our lives, instead of making shit up. Like, seriously. We are all human. We are all messy […]

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