Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: Stop trying to make sense of everything. Some things just don’t make sense. Be kind along the journey and remember, you got this! #makingsenseoutofnothing #makesense #beinghuman #armorup #yougotthis
Superhuman Log Date February 17, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #leveluptoyourbestself #levelup #slay #yougotthis #armorup
I’m not her. I’m not him. He doesn’t know me. She doesn’t get me. She sees something in me that I don’t see. I’m not what he wants me to be. I imagine these are the voices that go on and on in our children’s heads as they become teenagers and enter adulthood. And this […]
Superhuman Log Date February 16, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #defineyouremotions #defineyourfeelings #seekhelp #labels
So this happened. That thing where you labeled someone and they took it to heart. And you didn’t expect them to take it so literally. And you wondered if this is why parenting matters so much when it comes to helping your children label their emotions so that they get to choose what’s happening, not […]
Superhuman Log Date February 15, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #selfblame #nomore #innercaretaker
Everyone has a story of hitting an emotional wall. But I’m finding it uncanny when I’m watching it happen to so many amazing people around me. We’re a bunch of smart, driven and talented hot messes. I have to wonder, has this current administration put a damper on our psyche? So this story is one […]
Superhuman Log Date February 14, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #writeyourdance #choreographyourdance #reliable #lead
When I stand back and look at our behaviors in the workplace, it’s like a carefully constructed dance where we learn to rely on others to help us learn the moves, and until we do we are totally lost. Have you ever gone to a class where you had no idea what to do? It’s […]
Superhuman Log Date February 13, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #reboundfromfeedback #reboundfromnegativity #negativefeedback #feedback #resilience
Feedback. It’s a touchy subject in the workplace. If there is no trust, then it doesn’t get to a very productive or even emotionally good place. I’ve come to realize that some people choose to shut out feedback – in which case it could be about not trusting themselves, their response or how they rebound […]
Superhuman Log Date February 12, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #hope #redirecthope #refuel
It’s been a rough few weeks. Plenty of rejection has come about – and in some cases it’s starting to feel like rejection is in my middle name. Some days are just better than others. So I know that hanging out with Eeyore for too many hours will do no good. I need to fuel […]
Superhuman Log Date February 11, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #epictaleofhope #epic #armorup #yougotthis
Yes, I’ve been a little obsessive about J R R Tolkien these days. Mostly because the writing was so extraordinary. So clever. So human. Paraphrasing a key point toward the end, Sam says to Frodo: How can the world go back to the way it was, when so much bad has happened. But in the end, […]
Superhuman Log Date February 10, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #slaystress #slay #detox #selfcare #armorup #yougotthis
I remember when I was young and enthralled by the movie Karate Kid. I loved the idea of a little old Asian guy being this wise martial arts teacher in my life, teaching me to slay with my awesome newly found skills. Well that dream never happened back then. But when I look at my acupuncturist, […]
Superhuman Log Date February 9, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #makelifehappen #refuelwithintention #values #purpose #barnraising #armorup #yougotthis
As we amble through our lives and look for meaning, we mostly treat our sense of purpose like a sugar high. When the endorphins are on, we feel great. We feel valued and rewarded. We feel smug. And when it’s over, we are back to ambling and not living intentionally. The short lived sugar rush […]