Doubt constantly slips in between the cracks as I navigate my career choices. It doesn’t help that I don’t have clarity from cohorts and it’s super easy to just put your head down and coast to avoid conflict. But that’s not really going to help me get through this… whatever it is. So your mission […]
Superhuman Log Date January 28, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #believeyouarealeader #ownit #leadership #encourageothers
Sometimes we need an excuse to open a new door in our lives. We don’t always know why we need to find the way out, so we may paint a picture that looks good or write a story in our heads that sounds good and we eventually share it in order to find and open […]
Superhuman Log Date January 27, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #fallinlovewithbeinghuman #findyourhappy
As I try to make sense of my world and find order, I see chaos. But it’s not the chaos in my life that overwhelms me. What overwhelms me is how people function within that chaos. What drives them. How fear turns beautiful chaos into a dark abyss. What makes me sad as I try to […]
Superhuman Log Date January 26, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #advocateforyourself #youmatter
I wonder sometimes if a decision to quit a job or walk away from a career is due to the lack of perceived success in that role? Do people need to advocate for themselves better? Are there people who just can’t say what they want or at least are too afraid to admit what they […]
Superhuman Log Date January 25, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #pathtohard #pathtobrilliance #bebrilliant
What’s wrong with an everyday routine? Routine doesn’t allow us to think outside of the safe and linear path we’ve created for ourselves. That structure feels safe because it’s certain. When we go outside of it, we are stretched thin, maybe too thin, as we tackle the unpredictable. And what’s wrong with doing things the […]
Superhuman Log Date January 24, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #companionship #compromise #communication #healthyrelationships
There is nothing like ongoing communication to keep any relationship on a healthy course. A friend was telling me about how his business partner suddenly called him one day about a decade ago and said he got a full time job and starts in a few weeks. There was no communication about ever leaving […]
Superhuman Log Date January 23, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #tapintoempathy #beconsiderate #noexcuses
In 2017 we’ve had our share of funerals, so it’s joyful to begin 2018 with a wedding. There seems to be a universal truth about weddings and funerals bringing out both the best and worst in people. Could it be because each symbolically represents an ending of the status quo and a beginning of something new? […]
Superhuman Log Date January 22, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #teachresilience #powerthroughlife #resilience
Sometimes I can’t shut down my desire to understand what drives people. It’s been in my wiring since working in marketing and branding and now leadership development and culture change. Whatever I do is always tied directly to understanding why we behave the way we do, and how we can be more open to motiving […]
Superhuman Log Date January 21, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #hardquestions #askyourselfwhy
Whenever I meet someone, I like to learn as much about them as they are willing to share. Why do they do what they do? What do they love most about it? Where does their drive fall short? I don’t ask easy questions. And I find that most people (whom I’ve met) working at the level of […]
Superhuman Log Date January 20, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #broadperspectives #perspectivesabroad
We’re spending time in London with friends, and conversations with this global crew never disappoint. Economic and social perspectives from abroad always add clarity for me, relating to what makes people tick and, of course, what others think about our theatre in the states. One thing is for sure…American’s like to think that everyone wants to live […]