Do you have sandbox issues, where sharing is not your strong suit? There are definitely times when I’ve thought about it, but I tend to be a more collaborative worker. It’s in my DNA. But I realize it’s not in everyone’s DNA. Yet, if we think we know how to do things best, eventually our skills […]
#RPCL Log Date December 19, 2017 #beinghuman #ResistTheUrgeToBeSpiteful #NoRevenge
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Resist the urge to be spiteful. I know it’s human. And it’s in all of us. But anger can be all consuming. And so can regret.
#RPCL Log Date December 18, 2017 #beinghuman #JustSayYesToBelief #belief #hope
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Just say yes to belief. Believe in making things better. #justsayyestobelief #hope #befueledbyhope #betterways
#RPCL Log Date December 17, 2017 #beinghuman #LetCivilityWin #NiceGuysFinishFirst #NiceGalsFinishFirst
The other day I told my business partner I was worried about corrupting my client with kindness. I am truthfully quite worried that the current model of leadership in this country is that bad guys finish first and nice guys finish last. This is gender specific, of course. Because very few women have had a […]
#RPCL Log Date December 16, 2017 #beinghuman #bestill #quietyourmind #mindfulness #batcave
The best way to sort out the noise in your brain is to find refuge. For some, it’s being in a quiet place, away from obligations and clutter that may be screaming to tidy up. There is no one-way sign for how to get to a place of peace in your head. But there are […]
#RPCL Log Date December 13, 2017 #beinghuman #TimetoReinvent
There is a quote that I have relied on for years by Georges Sand – You cannot tear out a single page of your life, but you can throw the whole book in the fire. I’m sure I’ve paraphrased it. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Time to REINVENT yourself. Don’t hold onto unhealthy […]
#RPCL Log Date December 12, 2017 #beinghuman #DominanceIsNotLeadership
We spend a lot of time in our heads defending our position in life, at work, our promotion, our authority, and ultimately, our value. But sometimes we get in our own way of moving the needle for everyone when we fight for what we own rather than see a picture beyond only self. Your […]
#RPCL Log Date December 11, 2017 #beinghuman #LetLaughterFuelYou #PayItForward
There are so many ways to spread the good energy and joy around you. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Let laughter fuel you. And pay it forward. #letlaughterfuelyou #payitforward
#RPCL Log Date December 10, 2017 #beinghuman #GlassHalfFull
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Be glass half full today. And tomorrow.
#RPCL Log Date December 9, 2017 #beinghuman #YouGotThis
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Remember: You Got This.