Attacks come in sweeping generalizations. That’s what I’ve noticed from this current administration. I wonder if this is the product of how media and campaign culture has conditioned us? I’m finding most folks are better at attacking the other side to justify their beliefs. For instance, if someone posts about a politician lying, a defender would show a picture of the […]
#RPCL Log Date February 11, 2017: #BeingHuman #ShoutOut
When we are young, we adore our parents. Then one day, we get embarrassed by the sight of them. Why is that? Ever wonder how you even felt so ashamed being in your own skin as a teenager, and now you laugh at the fact that you can’t even remember what was so shameful? So […]
#RPCL Log Date February 10, 2017: #BeingHuman #DefendYourSide
Why do you care about your politics – can you express your beliefs without attacking the other side? What do you expect to see from your representatives and what are you unhappy with? How do you expect the administration to move the dial in the right way? Although it can be difficult expressing an ideal […]
#RPCL Log Date February 9, 2017: #BeingHuman #Apathy
While at the genius bar, I spoke to Ian who was restoring my iPhone and we discussed the apathy of millennials. “It’s funny”, he said while staring off in the distance, “I am not sure why I have apathy. I have been working since I was 12 and I like my work. I just don’t […]
#RPCL Log Date February 8, 2017: #BeingHuman #Heal
What is one positive word you can say first thing in the morning, and hold on to for the rest of the day? My word is hope. I live it, breathe it, own it. It gets me through some of the toughest days lately. It helps to have a word that gives me more reasons to care, to […]
#RPCL Log Date February 7, 2017: #BeingHuman #WordsMatter
With polarizing debates about how to reach rural America, I wonder where to begin. What’s one baby step toward unifying sides? Reading and following different perspectives in social media, one thing stands out – words matter. Name calling matters. Qualifying phrases that create a common enemy are dividing us more. We need to start with language. One positive word can […]
#RPCL Log Date February 6, 2017: #BeingHuman #Extremes
Are you a person of extremes? Right now I’m confused by the opposing extremes, competing messages and uncanny ability to co-exist because of the common enemy – the left. And so I’ve been thinking about the swampy middles and how we find ways to come together. Those who are centrist right and centrist left. There is a […]
#RPCL Log Date February 5, 2017: #BeingHuman #TakeYourEmotionsHostage
At some point, enough is enough. We either become so desensitized to chaos and consider chaos normal, or we lose our mind. But this constant attack on our sense of peace cannot be healthy. We all need to find ways to process and heal. I find I can sort of adapt to a pattern of chaos […]
#RPCL Log Date February 4, 2017: #BeingHuman #ViableForce #Starwars
I was catching up with my sister by phone, when she told me a funny story about her teenager. At school, her daughter was called upon to solve a math problem in front of class. As she got up to walk to the chalk board, she started to say under her breath, “I am one with […]
#RPCL Log Date February 3, 2017: #BeingHuman #wordsmatter
Words matter. I was reminded of this when I said something that came out wrong, and sounded gender biased against women. And yes I’m a woman. Today with the hostility being portrayed in all forms of media. words couldn’t matter more. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Make a list of all of the […]