Tent City Fears

If you are a latte activist and obsessively listening to or reading the news, drinking your coffee and complaining… then you might relate to my latest discovery that I was a little apprehensive when the tent city moved in within less than a mile of my house. My concern wasn’t based on any specific data […]

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The Art of Getting…er..Old(er)

My friend mentioned at a recent party that she had a total meltdown one day when she realized she wasn’t turning heads like she used to. It wasn’t that she cared to engage these young men turning heads, she just wanted to know she still “has it”. Like Fonzi would say when he turned heads. […]

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What happens when you just say “no”?

When you are a consultant and service provider, sometimes it’s really hard to say no. In an earlier blog post, we talk about giving oneself permission to leave. It’s clearly been an issue for me. And boundary setting is a problem for many people I’ve spoken to. There is something to be said for the […]

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No bad start up ideas

I was at Whole Foods tonight staring at an endcap (end of the aisle) filled with product really similar to what a group of us is working on. I was sort of awe-struck by three things. 1. Here it was. Our idea. Beautifully executed. 2. Whoa, they want to charge that much? 3. This is […]

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The truth about start ups

A friend reached to me the other day to run his new business idea by me. Within the first 20 minutes, I was surprised to hear him say “we all know that 90% of start ups fail…” Whoa, wait a minute. Did he just say 90%? I leaned in. I needed to dig in to […]

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The Power of One

I have a friend who is not only a renaissance man, he’s an unsung hero. When I went to the hopscotch event that he ideated and created with a group of friends and volunteers, I was amazed by the randomness of a childish past-time transforming into meaningful community building.  And I was even more impressed […]

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People afraid of people

We live in a world that is no longer bonded by the idea of “we’re in this together”. It seems that we’ve become more and more isolated, whether it’s home to car to home or stay home and work remotely from a screen. Unless we take public transit or work in organizations focused on helping […]

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After listening to Moth Radio today and hearing the utterly raw and human stories being shared, I had to rant to a new potential collaborator (for a start up business) who happens to be a writer, photographer and journalist. He reached to me right after a recent offsite and said that I’d said something that […]

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Fluffy vs Hard Companies

My neighbor was talking about his current employer and how he would describe the culture there as “hard cold steel”. The upside for him is that he will never be fired, and he will be rewarded in $. The downside is that a fluffy company offers other perks and more community. Then he went on […]

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