When sitting down with a past work acquaintance yesterday over coffee, Jim shared some interesting insights about ‘big personalities’ that I thought amusing enough, and true enough, to write about. We both referred to a certain someone whose name won’t be mentioned, but who sees himself as a sort of icon. He asked if it […]
We all have our own version of the truth – good or bad. And sometimes it takes a little nudge to get over any hang ups if your own version has its baggage. My mom had held a grudge for years and years about her mother. She was out of touch and extremely angry when […]
Moral Obligation
Do we have a moral obligation to give back to society when we become a certain age? Not that age should ever play a role in deciding when we give. I am a true believe of teaching my children to donate their toys early. Sadly, our home state ranks a low 30+ out of 50. […]
Celebrity: Good or Bad?
Are you indifferent to celebrities, or does the thought of meeting certain celebrities make you giddy? Or maybe it’s not a hollywood celebrity you care about, it’s recognition for professional accomplishments and the idea of making a difference that matters? A client and I were discussing the CEO of her company and his desire to […]
The Psychology of Angry Motivation
Unlike my cohorts, I’m no psychologist. but I suppose my fascination with the human condition, and our complex emotions, makes me a pseudo-expert wannabe. In an early post we cover the fear that drives us. Recently I had an argument with my spouse about sending the wrong parenting message to our daughter and realized that […]
Come Together
What do you think, did Starbucks nail it with their buy a friend a coffee campaign? Coffee with a cause, or a cause with coffee, are both interesting concepts. I’ve been referring to my self indulgent desire for more change as latte activism. Like many, I’m a time starved parent and wife, trying to be engaged in […]
Consultants and Fees
Many of us have reached a point in our lives when we’ve been asked about lending our expertise, and even charging for it. How do you know what to charge? Some markets and industries bear more than others. For instance, an NGO in global markets might only warrant day rates of $600-$800. At creative agencies, […]
Urban Retreat
Over the holidays, I was posing a question to family and friends during a debate on reducing our carbon footprint. What will eco-conscious families do about their second home? In an earlier blog post, I mention my second home. A condo that we had to sell at an all time low, after purchasing the expensive […]
Covert Community Member Publishes First Book
Dear Family, Friends, and Colleagues, My writing group, the Salish Sea Writers, is offering for FREE our Kindle edition of SECRET HISTORIES: STORIES OF COURAGE, RISK, AND REVELATION tomorrow, January 13. Go to: http://amzn.to/Ke8rUd If you haven’t already picked up the paperback, now is your chance to download the Kindle version for free. Please take advantage of this […]
Holiday Returns
Today I resolved to do my least favorite post-holiday thing – run errands and return stuff. Mostly my very own frivolous purchases during Black Friday when my family bought way too much crap at 7 am at Freddy’s. Socks, scarves, who knows what else and why. But I also had another case of being given […]