
  Almost all (positive) change starts with a positive emotional attractor.  Change, whether at a professional or a personal level, has tipping points based on emotions.  Positive emotional attractors, through our peripheral nervous system, help us thrive and grow.  Positive emotional attractors are activated by our trusting relationships.  They give us our ideal self, fill […]

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There’s a lot of talk about happiness lately.  When I first had kids, it was nearly impossible to find time, any time, to spend on myself, to do the (non-kid) things that made me happy.  Between all the responsibilities of motherhood and keeping my career alive, I couldn’t find five minutes for myself.  Many of […]

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You Work For Me

“You work for me”, a friend told his boss and coworkers, mostly architects, who were talking about a client project and clearly forgetting about the customer. I stopped him to ask him what their reaction was. “They all agreed”, he laughed. He was slightly disappointed  that they didn’t argue otherwise so he could engage them […]

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Letting Creativity In

In an earlier post, I referred to emotional balance at work as being the key to my personal definition of success. I’ve given up on the notion of work / personal life balance. My life is filled with drop offs and pick ups, laundry and errands, cleaning and cooking, afterschool functions, rehearsals, recitals, soccer practice […]

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Rules of the Road

Have you ever driven in a place in which no one pays any attention to the rules of the road?  Where drivers drift around the roads, completely oblivious to the lanes painted on the surface of the road?  Where people turn right, onto side streets, from the left-hand lane?  Where yield is an unknown word?  […]

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