When Solutions are Bandaids

The other night I went to hear Jeffrey Hayzlett speak. When I read his bio (he calls himself a business celebrity), I was a little put off. But when I heard him speak, I was completely enamored by his style of storytelling and the stories he told. Sure he had a schtick. He’s a maverick. […]

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When Success Comes Without Trying

I had the opportunity to hear a testimonial from two very distinct power women recently, and they were surprisingly quite similar. Connie told a group of us that she attributes her success to the fact that it was not her drive, it just “happened”. Remember that workshop about “detachment” I want to plan? And then […]

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Leading Change

As I was reading an article on Culture and Chief Executives, I was thinking about where I’ve been, what I’ve experienced, and what has both worked and not worked. A company’s culture is the collection of self-sustaining patterns of behaving, feeling, thinking, and believing, the patterns that determine “the way we do things around here.” […]

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The Back Up Plan

Are you trying to figure out what to do to bring in money, so you can focus on what you really love during weeknights and weekends? I’m not sure how biased my observation is, but anecdotally I can tell you that I know more and more individuals, Gen Xers, baby boomers, empty nesters, and aging […]

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Emotional Balance at Work

In order to have work / life balance, there is one rule. Balance has to exist either at work or at home. And let’s face it, if you are a time-starved mom or dad, achieving balance at home is next to impossible! That’s why I believe it’s important to find emotional balance at work. What […]

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