The future is ours, but really it’s not entirely ours. It’s also technology’s, the more we empower technology. Businesses are hedging their bets that AI may be filling in the gaps where we have a human shortage in our knowledge workforce. And right now, technologists are working hard to make that prediction a reality because […]
Archive | being human
Superhuman Log Date March 7, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #superhumanlistening #superhumanfocusandattention #beinghuman #listening
I just finished a workshop with a really insightful and thoughtful group of people. One of their super strengths? Superhuman listening, focus and attention. It stems from their ability to listen. Your mission to achieve superhumanness: Harness your superhuman listening, focus and attention for individuals at work and in your life. It’s the most respectful […]
Superhuman Log Date March 5, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #dailyhourofhappy #happyhour #withorwithoutbooze #selfcare
I found myself in a cranky mood today. I think it’s because we’ve been at the club and the water main broke and everyone around me was in a serious (and stressed) mood, too. So I skied on my own a bit, with youngest, with spouse, and then ended with eldest and another friend her […]
Superhuman Log Date March 4, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #perfectlyimperfect #emotionalhonesty #beingmessy #messysuperhuman #messyhuman
It’s not easy to wake up every morning to what feels like a plethora of political falsities. I suppose that’s why I just want to shout out and declare all ugly truths that weave in and out of our lives, instead of making shit up. Like, seriously. We are all human. We are all messy […]
Superhuman Log Date March 2, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #yourinnerchild #ownit #ownyourimmaturity
I have been riding the ups and downs of gut wrenching shock from a break up. Well, truth be told, it’s a work break up. But the worst part was the abruptness of it all, and it left me feeling so shocked and angry at first. Now despair has set in. Today my aunt was […]
Superhuman Log Date March 1, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #DecideForYou #WhatYouWant #Yougotthis
Decide what’s right for you. Only you can. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: Decide what you want. Don’t let others decide for you. Only you can. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #slay #decidewhatyouwant
Superhuman Log Date February 27, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #empathy #perspective
Empathy. I see it, read it and I suppose I’m both a student and teacher of empathy as well. Not a master. Is there such a thing? I was thinking today about how having perspective is an important attribute in order to achieve empathy. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: If you are open to more […]
Superhuman Log Date February 26, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #protectourfuture #bestandworst #possibilities
Some days I’m down on capitalism. But in truth, I’m for it. I know that capitalism is not failing society. People are. And frankly the ones calling the shots are putting self interest in front of societal interest. At a fundamental level, humans fail humans. And then I imagine, what would that look like when […]
Superhuman Log Date February 25, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #armorup #levelup #superhumanness #yougotthis #beingsuperhuman #beinghuman
Has anyone ever said to you “I quit you”? That sounds weird. And it feels even weirder. Well, I’ve been quit before. And again, recently. Any type of rejection feels that way – even if different phrases are used. Being quit is essentially being dumped, divorced or rejected. Being quit is when someone gives up on […]
Superhuman Log Date February 24, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #healthytension #diversityinthought #meaningfuldiversity #estimatethefuture #perspective
I wish I didn’t have to read the news every day. A lot of people say “I don’t read it. I shut it out”. And I understand it. But I just can’t. The biggest reason is, I suppose, to be prepared. By knowing what is being said and done and the reactions of people, I […]