It’s difficult to disrupt order without chaos. Disruption invites chaos. So look for the beauty in the chaos and embrace your creative side. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to look for beauty amidst chaos, in order to carve out thoughtful innovation. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman […]
Superhuman Log Date September 4, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #levelup #imagine #engineerthefuture
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to imagineer the way forward. #imagine #engineerthefuture Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #levelup
Superhuman Log Date September 3, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #levelup #blazenewtrails #trailblazer #buildadvocacyfortheroadlesstravelled
Sadly we’ve come to this. The easy way sells, even when there is no easy way out. The truth is that it takes real work to get there, and sometimes that means blazing new trails, and taking the road less travelled. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to build advocacy for the road […]
Superhuman Log Date September 2, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #levelup #alwaysgrow #evolve #neverstoplearning #growthmindset
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to evolve, by always improving and finding others who are, too. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #levelup #alwaysgrow #evolve #neverstoplearning #growthmindset
Superhuman Log Date September 1, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #levelup #readeveryday #curiosity #exerciseyourknowledge #practicewhatyouknowandlearn #curiosity
When we are knowledgeable in specific areas, it’s good to practice what we know…so we can expand what we know. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to exercise your knowledge. #readeveryday #curiosity Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #levelup #exerciseyourknowledge #practicewhatyouknowandlearn #curiosity
Superhuman Log Date August 31, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #levelup #steptowardchange #leadwithcourage
Lead with courage! Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to step toward change. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #levelup
Superhuman Log Date August 30, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #levelup #identity #covertleadership
It takes work to level up as a leader, and to let go of your past self. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to know when to let go of your former self, and step into your new role. #levelup #covertleadership #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! […]
Superhuman Log Date August 29, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #instillconfidence #leadwithcertainty
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to instill confidence in others and in a more certain future. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this. #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
Superhuman Log Date August 27, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #lead #reset #pushreset #knowwhentoreset
Reset. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to know when to hit the reset button. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #lead #reset #pushreset #knowwhentoreset
Superhuman Log Date August 26, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #hope #leadwithvision #beacon #bethehope #bethechange
Leadership is not just about bringing hope, it’s about being/living/breathing hope in beliefs AND actions. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to live and model your vision, providing a hopeful beacon for others. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #hope #leadwithvision #beacon #bethehope #bethechange