It’s on us to find and mentor the good ones. They are everywhere, just sometimes more quiet than those less humble… Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to identify and nurture caring leaders. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #caring #leaders #identifyandnurture
Superhuman Log Date August 24, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #beopen #differences #embracediversity #views
Are you open to other viewpoints, or fixed on being right? Societies thrive, and so do corporate cultures, when we are a diverse lot! Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to be open to different views. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #beopen #differences […]
Superhuman Log Date August 23, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #leadforothers #leanonme #leanonstrengthsofothers #strengths
If you go it alone, you lead for yourself. If you lean on others, you lead for everyone. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to lean on the strengths of others. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #leadforothers #leanonme #leanonstrengthsofothers #strengths
Superhuman Log Date August 22, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #openheartsandminds
If your leaders wants to appeal to your hate of others, then they are not leading. They are dictating. Think twice before believing in a singular and narrow point of view. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to open hearts and minds, not close them to a narrow belief system. Be kind along […]
Superhuman Log Date August 21, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #lead #empathy #noselfpity
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness:To lead is to remember your pain. So you can genuinely empathize with others. Note to self: No self pity allowed! Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this! #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #lead #empathy #noselfpity #allowyourselftofeelpain
Superhuman Log Date August 14, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #bringhope
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to bring hope to others. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this. #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #bringhope
Superhuman Log Date August 13, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To Lead is to learn the importance of having someone’s back. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this!
Superhuman Log Date August 9, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #shedfear #doncourage
Good leaders can express hope, address fear and then don courage. Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to shed fear, and don courage. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this!
Superhuman Log Date August 3, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to shed irrational fear by taking the reins.
Superhuman Log Date August 2, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #lead #getthingsdone #againstallodds
Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: To lead is to know how to get things done, despite the odds. Be kind along your journey and remember, you got this. #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #lead #getthingsdone #againstallodds