There are days when I sit and wonder if all of the ideas I’ve been chasing are for naught. Do I have a single solitary thread of hope to hold on to, or am I fooling myself? And I also wonder if it’s only me who believes so fervently while those around me are not quite… all-in. […]
#RPCL Log Date November 22, 2017 #beinghuman #bebrilliant #perfectlyimperfect
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Be brilliant. It’s good to know when you need to be brilliant, and when you need to be okay with good enough. Hopefully the latter are very few and far between. #perfectlyimperfect
#RPCL Log Date November 21, 2017 #beinghuman #WriteItDown #commit
Your mission if you choose to accept it: Write it down and commit. Any goal is feasible if you start to make it real. Writing it down a very tangible first step!
#RPCL Log Date November 20, 2017 #beinghuman #turnonaction #turnoffsocialmedia
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: When you’ve had enough, turn off social media and turn on action. #TurnOffSocialMedia #TurnOnAction
#RPCL Log Date November 19, 2017 #beinghuman #dontgoitalone #barnraising #centeryourself
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Don’t go it alone. When life feels out of control, center yourself with a supportive community. #DontGoItAlone #barnraising #CenterYourself
#RPCL Log Date November 18, 2017 #beinghuman #MidlifeParenting
Sometimes I wonder what’s happening to my greater community of aging parents. By aging, I am talking about the 40’s and 50’s aged parents who still have kids in elementary school and middle school. I’m now observing that more and more parents are trying to balance their identities as middle-aged professional, as stay at home or […]
#RPCL Log Date November 17, 2017 #beinghuman #ManagingEnergy #HighOctaneFuel #EnergizeYou #DoWhatYouLove #NoRegrets
I feel like I have finally been able to focus for a full day and a half on writing this past weekend. I have been unsettled and struggling to bring clarity to circling thoughts for a client’s speech and a few select short stories that just weren’t sitting well with me. It was causing a lot of distraction until I could get everything solidly down […]
#RPCL Log Date November 16, 2017 #BeingHuman #MoodMeter #StressVibrations #WoundUpEnergy
Are you trying to manage constant stress in your life? Are you at that point where you can’t handle any wound up energy from others? Or maybe you cannot take in anymore input from others because your head is so full of noise? I was chatting with a friend who was telling me that she couldn’t […]
#RPCL Log Date November 15, 2017 #BeingHuman #StandBeautiful #StandConfident #JustAsYouAre
Beauty is a thing of subjectivity. And yet, we objectify and create norms around a standard. Studies have been done (i.e. Nat’l Geo) on the empirical definition of beauty across cultures. Scientists believe we are hardwired in our beliefs. But I know one thing to be true: Beauty lives in confidence, and is coming from a […]
#RPCL Log Date November 14, 2017 #BeingHuman #ListenForPositivity #HeadVoice #SayIt #CreateIt #WriteIt #ManifestIt
I was talking to my niece the other day about personal reinvention. At some point in our lives, most of us want to hit the reset button. Maybe it’s every new years, or the occasional break up and turning over a new leaf by changing behavior and creating new habits. One thing I know from my […]