Yesterday my house got burglarized, an experience I wish on no one; it is incredibly destabilizing. I am not one to care much for the stuff I own, so that has not been the biggest issue. I do however, feel incredibly violated and unsafe in my own house at the moment, and I realize it […]
#RPCL Log Date November 12, 2017 #beinghuman #HoldOnToValues #DontAbandonValues
Sometimes relationships teeter on the edge of insanity. And sometimes on the edge of identity crises. We entwine ourselves with others to the point of forgetting who had the idea or who really wanted to do that thing that we all agreed to. Research is proving that identity crises are the root cause of midlife crises (and […]
#RPCL Log Date November 11, 2017 #beinghuman #TakeAKinderApproach #BeKind
Sometimes I’m baffled by ego and its affects on ones ability to be kind. Power can tarnish our best behavior. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: No matter what, take a kinder approach to success. Better yet, make it collective success.
#RPCL Log Date November 10, 2017 #beinghuman #InnerSanctum
From a radio show in the 1940’s to a video game in the 2000’s, Inner Sanctum has a lot of pop culture meaning. But what about it’s actual definition = a very private place and in some cases, holy place? I often tell leaders that they need to find their sanctuary away from the chaos, […]
#RPCL Log Date November 9, 2017 #beinghuman #BalanceSelfishAndSelfless #leadership
We are motivated by our values, and sometimes they are more self-oriented. But at some point, leaders align they desires with those that they lead to bring them along. Your mission if you choose to accept it: Reflect on your leadership drivers. Leadership is a balance between selfless and selfish values. Which drivers take precedence for you?
#RPCL Log Date November 8, 2017 #BeingHuman #ThousandWorries
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Don’t let a thousand worries keep you awake. Sleep tight. They may still be there tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Might as well save them for the daytime!
#RPCL Log Date November 7, 2017 #beinghuman
Your mission: When life gets thick, don’t let it thin you out. And don’t be thin skinned!
#RPCL Log Date November 6, 2017 #BeingHuman #DontBeAKnowItAll
If there is one thing this election has brought in out in folks, it’s the know-it-all in each of us. We find our truth, our righteousness, and we try to convince others of it. Well, sometimes it’s even more of a trap as a parent. Do you need to know the answer to your child’s […]
#RPCL Log Date November 5, 2017 #beinghuman #EmbraceYourAge #RunningOutOfTime
Some days I have no patience. And I know it’s a state of mind. The pressure of “what if…” as I watch the clock tick by. So here’s my ask of myself: What the hell’s the hurry? Even if time kills all deals, I can’t let that stress me out. I need to give myself credit for […]
#RPCL Log Date November 4, 2017 #beinghuman #ItCanAlwaysBeBetter
Midlife crisis. I’m seeing it all around. I understand that it’s a passage in time when we are asking ourselves: Is this as good as it gets in life? We didn’t get the fancy car that measures our worth. Time to buy. Or maybe we want to rekindle a fire inside, but misfire our fire! […]