I fall in awe of someone every day. Sometimes it’s the same person over and over, because they are just that amazing. As someone who likes to get down to the core of emotion with clients and co-workers, it’s almost like falling in love with myself as much as it is with every single person […]
#RPCL Log Date October 19, 2017 #BeingHuman #EmbraceCreativity #DreamImpossible
Everyone is a critic. At times it’s exhausting. Especially when folks believe that, by poking holes in one’s logic, it’s bringing a ton of value. Well… maybe it’s not so much. In fact, let’s be honest and just say, ENOUGH! Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Don’t join the culture of critics. Dream […]
#RPCL Log Date October 18, 2017 #BeingHuman #BeHonestWithYou
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Be honest with you. You are who you are at the core. Yes you can, and must evolve as a human being. But at the core of your identity, you can also find the good and embrace your perfectly imperfect self where your behaviors are entrenched.
#RPCL Log Date October 17, 2017 #BeingHuman #MeToo
Say it out loud. Acknowledge something that has happened to you. Don’t be ashamed, Be unapologetic. Although it’s not something we hope for our children, we still live in a world where power over others through oppressive behavior is a terrible disease. Is there a vaccine for that? #Timeforchange. Your mission, if you choose to […]
#RPCL Log Date October 16, 2017 #beinghuman #BeSpecial #extraordinary
Your mission if you choose to accept it: Be Special. Don’t wait for someone else to be the one. You are extraordinary.
#RPCL Log Date October 15, 2017 #beinghuman #CreateChange
We all have experienced or perhaps even contributed to slightly deviant behavior as human beings. Hopefully when we are caught in a bad cycle, a crisis of conscience can serve as a catalyst to change. Your mission: Let your crisis of conscience serve as a catalyst to create change.
#RPCL Log Date October 14, 2017 #beinghuman #StrongForYou #FeelYourFeelings
So I was having an inner conflict on gender identity the other day…and it came out for me in a third person story. I decided to write my post as if I were writing a novel about anyone who feels they can relate to this excerpt – a woman fighting the need for someone to rescue […]
#RPCL Log Date October 13, 2017 #BeingHuman #LifesWork #BeSelfishToBeKind #selfless
Something happens as we mature through time. We either pause daily to look in the mirror and like what we see, or we can’t see ourselves very well. The question is: Do we know who we are? I can say for sure that I do, and I don’t. I am confident that I know who I am today […]
#RPCL Log Date October 12, 2017 #beinghuman #FendForOthers #habit #barnraising
Sure we’re all selfish. I would fiercely fend for my family, my loved ones and myself, and protect them above anyone. But I wonder how life would look without a greater community to rely on? So I believe we need to focus on helping others, too. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Fend for […]
#RPCL Log Date October 11, 2017 #TakeCareOfYou #TakesAVillage
As within anything, including knowing thyself, it takes a village. So sometimes we need our community to tell us that we need to unplug. Maybe we are taking on too much, or caring too much, or absorbing too many emotions around us. Whatever the case, you need to step away and get your bearing. It’s […]