We try so hard to figure out this crazy place on earth. Who are we, really? How do we fit in? And frankly I don’t care how much we emphasize living our values. I still find that other factors can get in the way of coming into ourselves. The most important thing you can do […]
#RPCL Log Date November 1, 2017 #BeKind #BeSelfless #BeConsiderate
Today I was reading an article talking about social norms. It was explaining why highly visible food items never totally disappear at meetings. Have you noticed how when someone brings pastries to a meeting you always end up with a piece of it left, which disappears the moment no one is around? This apparently comes […]
#RPCL Log Date October 31, 2017 #DontTalkOverSomeone
Today I realized that my absolute passion about something was perceived as a strong fight to win. And it wasn’t the case. In fact, it never occurred to me that I was shutting out their point. I was trying to defend an existing philosophy and say that their idea was a subset of that philosophy, […]
#RPCL Log Date October 27, 2017 #BeingHuman #ProcessAndMoveOn
I just heard some news that hit me hard. Nothing life threatening, and not even someone I really knew. Just a human story of someone who was given a chance at a career, and it was just as quickly taken away. And it really made me sad. Maybe because I had a chance to meet […]
#RPCL Log Date October 26, 2017 #BeingHuman #ActWithUrgency #SlowDown
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Know when to act with urgency, and when to slow down.
#RPCL Log Date October 25, 2017 #BeingHuman #fear #DontLetFearTalkYouDown
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Don’t let fear talk you down. Stand tall. You are better than this. Don’t let your fearful state block your view of who you are.
#RPCL Log Date October 24, 2017 #BeingHuman #WhenAngerGoads #ThinkTwice
When anger goads, we need to listen carefully. Is the angry monster inside creating so much righteous power in our minds, that we must get rid of the bad monster, come hell or high water? When I read that 46% of one party is for going to war with N. Korea, I immediately panned to images […]
#RPCL Log Date October 23, 2017 #BeingHuman #bejustright #dontbeperfect
My youngest was upset. I asked her why and she said “daddy was hard on me”. Poor pea. Why, I asked again. And she explained, “he wants me to be perfect at math. And I’m not. I’m not perfect. I’m just right”. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Don’t be perfect. Be just […]
#RPCL Log Date October 22, 2017 #BeingHuman #beintentionallypositive #decidetobe #happy
You can decide to be happy. I am not talking about folks who have extreme mental illness, but I am talking about the average debbie downer or person who is in a lull. Guess what? It take WAY MORE ENERGY to be down. And especially because it’s at the top of my list as one […]
#RPCL Log Date October 21, 2017 #BeingHuman #PerfectlyImperfect #JustAsYouAre
We are all completely imperfect. So be okay with it. In fact, laugh, love and embrace your unanticipated thoughts, reactions, or emotions to your reflection, as much as those you can and do control. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Be perfectly imperfect. And be okay with it. #perfectlyimperfect #beokaywithyou #justasyouare Be kind. Be […]