The Media

Is the media liberal or conservative? It’s both. Both, both, both. Seriously. We read what we want to read, and we follow the stories that align with our values.  think the lack of trust for one side or the other has created utter chaos for news outlets. And now that Fake News suppliers can make […]

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Hunkering Down

I hate to say it, but I am genuinely concerned now about whether we should or even CAN spend money on any excesses in 2017. It’s sort of like my very own Personal Austerity Plan or PAP. This is definitely unusual for me, as I hate thinking about, planning for or saving money. I would much prefer […]

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Someone Wins and Someone Loses #nomoreparticipationawards #JAJance

I attended a fundraiser on Veteran’s Day where author JA Jance gave a wonderful keynote that included some laughter and tears, and a side remark about the election. It was brilliant, and I’m compelled to try to paraphrase it here. “Dear Millennials, we know you are the generation who received participation awards at every turn. Well I’m sorry […]

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