Curious Under Pressure

Financial instability can take its toll on relationships at work and at home. Surviving under pressure becomes the game. It’s a game I’m all too familiar with. It’s easier some days, or it’s tartarus and the never-ending pit of hell on others. Today was a good and bad day. That pretty much sums up most days. It can change from an hour […]

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When Self-Motivation Matters

I had one of those bad days yesterday when I wondered how I was going to stand up, dust off, and try again. It all sounded like a waste of time when I heard myself thinking it. I have incredible drive. I’m constantly networking with people, reading, processing out loud or in writing, and thinking […]

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Forgetting How to Be Human #forgottenhumanity #humankindness

People have forgotten how to be human in many ways. And when I say human, I mean kind. And wrapped into kindness are things like trust, empathy, compassion, attention (listening) and generally giving a crap about others. So, when I preach to parents why I think we are all (yes me too) way too focused […]

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Don’t Discount Wisdom

Sometimes the hardest thing to accept when we come into our own maturity is that we, “the elders”, actually know what the hell we are talking about. I certainly thought my parents were idiots when I was 16 and I knew e v e r y t h i n g that mattered to a 16-year old. Of course, […]

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