Surfing through the emotional banter of thousands of FB posts after the election, one re-post stood out for me and continues to replay in my head. It’s Aaron Sorkin’s letter to his daughter, in which he says one simple phrase that zeros in on what Trump has stood for, and why many of us are feeling […]
It’s Nothing a Cookie Wouldn’t Fix #cookiehigh
Today I felt spectacularly hungover. I had two glasses of red wine during a 4-hour business dinner and not enough sleep. I suppose walking the lake this morning with coffee and no hydration wasn’t much help. As I was getting my hair cut this afternoon, looking at my face and exhausted eyes in the mirror, I […]
Curious Under Pressure
Financial instability can take its toll on relationships at work and at home. Surviving under pressure becomes the game. It’s a game I’m all too familiar with. It’s easier some days, or it’s tartarus and the never-ending pit of hell on others. Today was a good and bad day. That pretty much sums up most days. It can change from an hour […]
When Self-Motivation Matters
I had one of those bad days yesterday when I wondered how I was going to stand up, dust off, and try again. It all sounded like a waste of time when I heard myself thinking it. I have incredible drive. I’m constantly networking with people, reading, processing out loud or in writing, and thinking […]
Forgetting How to Be Human #forgottenhumanity #humankindness
People have forgotten how to be human in many ways. And when I say human, I mean kind. And wrapped into kindness are things like trust, empathy, compassion, attention (listening) and generally giving a crap about others. So, when I preach to parents why I think we are all (yes me too) way too focused […]
More More More #help #changesucks
I would consider myself a fairly normal professional. One who is self possessed, visionary, mostly calm. So why is it that I have been spying on my children from my front door window during their recess at the new school ? And why is it that I am thrumming internally, even though my calm and quietude exude […]
The Marriage Pendulum #genderroles
Society certainly has a way of playing a cruel joke on the smuggles. That would be those of us who are taking a higher moral ground about what we deserve. As a woman, I know I’ve certainly been a long-time trailblazer of what I expect in the workplace, and what I’ve been willing to fight […]
Don’t Discount Wisdom
Sometimes the hardest thing to accept when we come into our own maturity is that we, “the elders”, actually know what the hell we are talking about. I certainly thought my parents were idiots when I was 16 and I knew e v e r y t h i n g that mattered to a 16-year old. Of course, […]
What Are You Afraid Of? #fearoffailure
A friend recently asked me the question, “what are you afraid of”? “Losing everything”, I said. As I think about my response, I think about how failure is inevitable as an entrepreneur, and yet we can still avoid losing everything if we proceed with caution and exercise calculated risk. Sometimes when we are focusing too much […]
Why Hope Matters #hopematters #halfempties #thehopedrug #humandeficit
Life can be one big glass of half empties. When we look for the faults, the doubts, the flaws, they stand taller, bolder, and yell louder than the 90% good out there. As human beings our instincts and fear, limbic brain, have us programmed to look for the threats and flee. Politicians and media have […]