The Case for Curiosity

Like many Americans joining in Super Bowl fun, my family rushed off the mountain from a day of skiing to catch a feted event at a friend’s house. This ritual of gathering with friends is ingrained in our behavior, so we usually accept a party invite and enjoy the personal chit chat whilst our kids play. But this time, I hadn’t […]

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The Truth about Project Management

Once upon a time, I was a project manager. At the time, I had to learn on the job because the whole Internet things was that new. We were all reading Idiot’s guides to Project Management or maybe taking the coveted PMP certification. It was one part organizational skills and one part technical skills. And […]

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I’ve often thought about rebranding the term feminism. Not because there is anything wrong with it. But because it’s become a bad word. Like “Socialism”. And that’s in part due to a select group of outspoken anti-activists or what I like to call “anti-vists” (with the mainstream media as a vehicle) to make that happen. […]

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