I was eating lunch with friends last week and we were discussing what it means to go after a dream. Amy was saying that she was making less money when taking her dream job as a celebrity in public service and so was her brother who took his dream job as a lawyer in public service. “Great”, she […]
A client of mine recently reminded me why it’s important to take care of myself first. He said ‘it’s like the spiel they give you on airplanes in case of emergency. You put the mask on yourself first, before turning to your children or partner”. What a great analogy. I can finally give myself permission […]
Lopsided Loyalty
I was scanning my instagram feed when I saw a picture of something that triggered work-anxiety. My past client posted an image and it reminded me of my lopsided loyalty. It’s clear now that it was one way – not balanced. And I was immediately flooded with sadness. Holding back tears, my voice was gruff as […]
What Next
It’s hard to find and follow a thread of hope weaving in and out of the every day. Especially when we have so much tugging at us. Our little ones who need more than hugs and kisses. Our fears of losing more than we can imagine. Our high-risk jobs, with variable income. And of course, our diminishing bank accounts as […]
Vulnerability and Women
I just had an epiphany, and it hit me square on the head. This scenario was right in front of me the whole time and I never saw it. If you’re familiar with my blogposts, you’ll know I’m a huge proponent of being human as a leader. I define being human as being kind, being humble or […]
As a consultant, working with a final decision maker is a hell of a lot easier than someone who is fulfilling a role of authority, but isn’t really empowered. How can it be that someone can be deemed responsible, but really isn’t? It happens all the time. I posted earlier about how some project managers are glorified […]
Memorial Day #Rituals
When I was young, I remember collecting flowers from the back yards of family to assemble bouquets. We would go to my grandparent’s yard to collect peonies, my aunt D’s yard to collect mums and roses, our yard for lilacs and baby’s breath. My aunt D would spearhead the operation. My mom, sister and I gladly participated. […]
Trust vs. Confidence
In an earlier blog post, we waxed poetic on the topic of trust. In this post, I want to cover what I believe is often confused between trust and confidence. If I trust you to catch me when I fall, I still might question how well you hold on to me, or if my size can […]
The Game of Life
Have you ever played the board game LIFE? I’ve forgotten how much the board game is [probably] inspired by living life. It’s been THAT long since I’ve played and I can’t remember the rules. But one thing I know to be true in the real game of life, some rules are ever-changing, and some remain the same. And maybe […]
#TheHumanDeficit #consciouscapitalism
At some point, marketers are vilified for creating demographic categories to market to – as if the impersonal transaction is our sole purpose. I was talking to a Commercial Development appraiser and he raised his eyebrows at the validity of talking about GenX or Millennial demographics and psychographics – their emotional drivers, behaviors and traits. […]