The Costco Dilemma

I was at Costco today returning two kids lunch boxes when I realized during our transaction that the customer service supervisor overpaid me for the goods. At first I looked puzzled, walked away and then looked back at the receipt. I immediately understood his confusion. He saw “disney princess” on my receipt and assumed the princess lunch boxes were $15.00. He didn’t see the plain description of lunch box for $5.00.

It was my lucky day. What could I buy with my extra $20.00?  Well, I couldn’t live with the universe holding this against me, so I returned the money and told him he’d made a mistake.

What would you have done? Are you the type to let the cashier know you’ve been over-paid or they didn’t charge you for something? And do you extend it in your daily life?

At work or out in the world, do you feel people are generally looking out for you, or that they are out to get you?



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