About those Start-Ups

Consulting is a funny industry. And I suppose it’s especially funny, or fuzzy, for folks who like to give away advice like handing out free coffee and donuts at rest stops.

What’s even funnier is when we are helping individuals who want to be paid consultants, by giving our services to them for free, and they aren’t even aware it’s happening.

And we know there are two roads to defeat. Behind door A is the road to self-destruction where you just keep on giving. Behind door B is the road to confrontation, where you now have to educate the client that this is not a healthy model and they feel “abused or deceived or rejected”.

Either way, it sort of sucks.

So here I am wondering which door to open. Even though I’m just as happy with keeping both doors shut, climbing back into my little hole, and taking my coffee and donuts with me.

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