Do you have an appetite for corporate or entrepreneurial success?
According to a professor at University of Maryland, less than 5% of americans engage in entrepreneurship due to risk and fear of failure. Yet key motivators (no surprise) are money, freedom and control.
One main point he makes is to assess the “opportunity cost” – the need to know what you can make if this fails and you need to do something else – and what other opportunities are out there to fairly assess the worth or value if this succeeds.
Fear comes in all shapes, sizes and flavors. Sometimes it’s change, too much at stake, money is a big one for me, (or lack thereof) and finally peer pressure and family influence can all be a deal maker or breaker.
Our advice: Early on when you are taking a big risk, find a positive community to support you. Your negative head voice is already rattling your confidence. Be sure external voices are keeping it real but positive! And then find experts along the way to test your hypothesis AFTER you’ve spent time on the thinking, organizing and summarizing of your thoughts into a rough outline or plan.
Finally, don’t give up. I am with you every step of the way, and going through my own woes (as Agent S just heard an ear-full today).
Remember, life is hard, but don’t let that get in the way of living.
Agent M1
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