Being a Selfish Humanitarian

Sometimes I get so frustrated with the millions of Americans who could make a bigger difference in the lives of millions of Americans IF we weren’t so inwardly focused.

My frustration begins with me – a selfish humanitarian. I have the mind of compassionate and giving human with no time.

A recent stat about moms is that we are time-starved. Never mind working or stay at home moms, and then add layers of work (too many projects and/or companies), sports activities for kids, social life, dog duties, hobbies, family time, visitors, trips, vacations, housework, yardwork, cooking, baking, creative activities for kids, play dates, drop off/pick up at school, networking for work, girls night, and so on.

I was talking to a friend this evening whom I hadn’t seen in months. We both shared updates on families and were exasperated by how busy we get without really ever accomplishing much in the world.

Here’s a thought for the day: How do we make a bigger difference in the world? Agent N is doing it and I need some advice and inspiration!

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