Femme in -ism

I wonder if it’s time we rebrand or rename “feminism”? There has been a lot written about what feminism means to today’s working professionals spanning 20’s to 40’s. Recently on NPR I was listening to a woman talking about what it’s means to her – that by saying you are a feminist, you are simply saying you believe in women.

I believe that women are a tribe that “should” stick together. I know, should is a bad word. But it’s true that, we don’t always. And I am feeling remnants of being burned by a fellow mom, ex co-worker, and someone who put herself first.

So, why does it happen and how do we prevent it?

Maybe if we rebrand feminism, we can find a way to remind all women that this new word is a movement, not just a philosophy. It shouts out that we support and believe in women. Period.

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