Professional Home-dwellers

As I hammer through proposals and emails, make several phone calls, and set up multiple meetings…I am finding more and more smiles in my life, and less and less guilt about mid-day errands.

Today I had to pick up my daughter and her friend in the middle of my work day for an hour-and-a-half lunch break from soccer camp, and I managed to check off several of my “to-do’s” before I got there.

I even made time to watch a TED talk and read this article on Fast Co. – which is TOTALLY RELEVANT to my other blog post about predicting the workweek.

The fact that professional home-dwellers are substantiating a higher bottom line for companies makes it even more compelling to entrepreneurs like me to keep expanding a business culture of working from home.

And truth be told, I am not working 8 hour days. I’m working jam-packed 6 hour days. Productivity might increase 13% for the featured case study in the Fast Company article, but it’s probably more like double for people like me who benefit from complete isolation when deadlines are abundant. I still have plenty of social time, with clients and networks and co-workers. When meeting with co-workers, we still get a lot done, even if our productivity goes down to allow for social time.

I believe in community building, and even as a GenX’er, I’m open to the idea that being human means we are tied to technology as a means of communication (not the sole means). We’ll only get better at adapting to  video communication including Skype or Hang out, and we’ll become twice as effective and more intentional face to face.


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