Keeping Busy Moms Organized

One of the themes I’ve wanted to address with Covert Leadership is providing moms tools to stay on her game.

We are working on workshop tools, but I am also referring to physical tools to help us get organized.

It was a topic of conversation with my sister last night when I called to wish her a happy birthday. She was telling me how hard it was to manage the household and work full time, and that she found herself paying bills at midnight.

While there are so many tools out there (online bill paying, to manage your financials, even charts and apps and…), there is so much noise that we can’t, practically speaking, decide what to choose.

I’ve declared more than once that I need a wife, or a “handler”, as a friend calls it. But what I really mean is that I need to figure out how to stay on my game and FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT.

Yesterday, while at Target, I bought a white-board “chore chart”. My 5-year old LOVES it. And she is excited to do a chore and earn a star. Seriously – this is the stuff I want to create. To help us motivate our family members to PITCH IN. But what I really want to do is create a community of folks, and online tools, and maybe products, eventually, that we can all use. And we have the support from one another. We are a compassionate community of moms – who really understand what it means to do it all.



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