What Country Leaders Are Doing Wrong

I am not interested in joining the diatribe of Obama vs Boehner as a Covert Agent (since I have plenty to say in my own skin outside of this venue)!

I am interested in studying what they are doing wrong as leaders with respect to “who’s the customer, and who’s the boss”.

As a friend put it, what Obama did wrong at a time when gun-violence was taking over the political wire and every news outlet, and everyone was looking at the President to make a sweeping statement, was that he took the bait. “He should have done what a good leader would do – let the people lead”, said a friend and political activist. “Instead, he was seduced by the media and tried to take ownership of something he couldn’t possibly own or control. It was always up to the American people, and it’s our job to take the lead”.

The same can be said for the multitude of political agendas happening during the stalemate in congress and recent government shut down. The American people voted for the Affordable Care Act, and the political figureheads decided it wasn’t good for the American people. This self-serving attitude cost us $24 billion. And the American people didn’t act. We didn’t do our job and take the lead. I don’t want to discount those that did something, however the majority watched, waited and went about our busy lives whilst shaking our heads at the nonsense.

Of course, now the Affordable care act is not doing an effective job of delivering on its promise… product and branding problem!

In this instance of taking ownership as leaders, I believe our role comes down to this. We all have it in us, but it begins with individual accountability, not complacency. It also begins with top down vision – one that is authentic and purposeful. And instead of looking to the “big leader” at the top, where it’s easier to assign blame if things go wrong, we focus on the village. We are “all in”. And it takes a passionate group to make great things happen. This could even impact salary compensation, where the fearless leader is currently earning 270 times more than the rest of us. Maybe that old model will simply go away.

However you look at it, we are all leaders. Whether it’s the people sitting in oval shaped offices, or with the best window view providing the vision and heart-filled purpose, or it’s those of us who rally around the vision.

Great leaders always surround themselves with a smart team like the rest of us who are executing leadership at every level. as managers, delegators and doers.





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