I was taking my co-worker through an exercise I’ve used on folks looking for a new career, and two things became immediately evident.
One, she has been so mired down in her dissatisfying role, that she’s been asking herself the wrong question. Instead of thinking about what she wants out of life, she is simply too focused on what she believes she can or “should do” in her life. Her head voice is limiting her ability to grow and evolve.
The big ah-ha? She hadn’t thought big big big picture about her life as a way to tie back to the ideal position or career. When I asked what would be her ideal situation in life, she finally said, “oh… you mean I can think of one big dream, and maybe what I am doing right now can get me there?” My two cents, the journey is what matters to find satisfaction. It’s not the pursuit of happiness, it’s being happy in your pursuit.
And, two. It occurred to me that all the media about our economic collapse has created a new generation who really do want to go back to basics. I think the Gen Xers are trying to get there, but many of us are too far into our fanciful lives for such a drastic change. Whereas the agile millennials are already seeking an uncluttered life. One that isn’t far off from how they are already living. Maybe our youth can really hope for, and bring back, the simple goal of the 50’s. Living in a house with a white picket fence, and not in a McMansion within a gated community…
Jody’s goal? In addition to a family, she wants to have something small, like a retail shop or work shop. She dreams about Hawaii as her home. Simple, uncluttered, and a place where she belongs.
We have two more exercises to go through, but we’ll get her there!
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