How (maybe?) to hire your first employee

Today I met with a person who I really, really want to hire for my business. He would be the first real employee, so this is a big deal, and a big leap for me. (I’ve been thinking about expanding for over three years!)

The problem is, I can’t hire him right now. I need to change the structure of the business, figure out where he’d work, think about equipment, benefits, etc., and a plethora of other decisions. Oh yeah, and then there’d be the salary discussion, which is — frankly — probably what I fear most.

So I asked Agent M for advice before I met with him. I’m very direct… and I thought going in with the line “Hey, I want to hire you at any cost, but I can’t right now…” would be a little weird and probably un-productive. After me bumbling through an explanation of the situation, here’s what Agent M asked:

“So this is still in the courtship stage?”

Um… I never thought about it that way, but yeah, I guess you could call it courtship.

Here’s what Agent M suggested:

  • Ask questions
  • Listen
  • Be curious
  • Have him do most of the talking
  • Remember what’s important to him and how you can provide that

Here’s what I did:

  • All of the above
  • Probably talked a little too much about myself
  • Left the door open (probably a bit too open)

Someone told me recently that my success as a facilitator was because of my “vulnerability without weakness.” I’m feeling a little vulnerable right now. A, if you’re reading this, please go easy on the future salary negotiations. 🙂


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