#RPCL Log Date November 16, 2017 #BeingHuman #MoodMeter #StressVibrations #WoundUpEnergy

Are you trying to manage constant stress in your life? Are you at that point where you can’t handle any wound up energy from others? Or maybe you cannot take in anymore input from others because your head is so full of noise?

I was chatting with a friend who was telling me that she couldn’t spend too much time around folks who were throwing out intense energy – even if they were completely unaware and it wasn’t in anything that they said or did. I was thinking a lot about that. How I’ve felt my body thrumming in extreme times of stress and must have been throwing off my energy onto others, or how I’ve given the feedback to others that I feel their vibration (and it’s from stress).

We may be totally unaware of this fact, but we can completely wear our emotions on our sleeves whether we intend to or not. And people see or feel our turmoil. They can tell if we are not okay even when we can’t see it.

My kids taught me about a Mood Meter at school. Red and Blue were in the bad zones and Green and Yellow were in the good zones.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Assess your Mood Meter. Are you a red hot mess, blue low energy, green calm or bright yellow energetic sunshine? Try to find a way to get help with your assessment to start to address change when it’s needed. We can’t always see who we are or how we are without an objective perspective. Every human depends on other humans for success. It’s that or solitary confinement!




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