Awkward Moments

The saga continues for a little longer – and hopefully we can put this all behind us soon.

Two “past” clients reached to me. One saying she and her boss saw the email about my leaving and asked if it was their fault that I was gone. The second saying how awesome I was and how they were dying to reach to me.

I share this in vindication for not being a total reject.

The client who was wondering if it was their fault felt that they might have misstepped by reaching to me instead of the creatives during a design crisis. I asked why she would have thought that. The email said, “Agent M has left to pursue other opportunities”.

Really? That was the PR Statement? Yikes. No wonder the few clients I am in touch with are anxious to connect.

While I assured her that it wasn’t her fault and she was still in good hands, I realized I could relax a little more. It wasn’t my work problem to solve any longer.



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