Happiness is…

Happiness is, two kinds of ice cream. Finding your skate key and telling the time. This was a song I learned from my sister, when watching her at choir practice. I think I was in 8th grade. I remember being so dependent on Nina. I was the baby in the family.

Fast forward and I’m looking in the mirror, wondering why I’m so happy again. I feel giddy when I think about how much time I have to get stuff done. Every morning I’m not rushing to go to work, I’m enjoying every waking moment with my kids. Although I don’t enjoy dishes that much, I enjoy the idea of having time to clean. I’ve been walking the dog rain or shine. I can run errands. I can clean some more. AND I can decide if I want to pick up my kids early or spend even more time with them and keep them at home for the day.

Happiness for me is about choice.


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