Letting Creativity In

In an earlier post, I referred to emotional balance at work as being the key to my personal definition of success. I’ve given up on the notion of work / personal life balance. My life is filled with drop offs and pick ups, laundry and errands, cleaning and cooking, afterschool functions, rehearsals, recitals, soccer practice and games, family time, extended family time, play dates, dog walks, exercise when I can fit it in… Balance is not in my personal life so I seek it in my professional life.

Yet one of the very things that has kept me sane throughout it all is my connection to creativity. I’ve discovered it through my work, my creative friends, my colleagues, my talented family, my expressive kindergartner and toddler, and I’ve narrowed down the things that give me joy.

For one, I write. I am writing a children’s novel. I blog. I work with a children’s author and illustrator and graphic designer on a fun children’s project.

And then, I work to solve client problems with design.

The thing is, once you let creativity in to your life, you see it everywhere. And you see how powerful it really is.

Find ways to let creativity into your life. And make it a daily habit.



Sometimes it takes a dose of creativity to relax your mind, or replace a glass of wine which does the same thing for me.

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