Managing with Harmony

Inspired by an interview I heard today, here’s a burning question. How many people out there manage with the goal of creating and maintaining harmony at work?

I’d like to think that I do, but sometimes I am such a boundary pusher that I’m probably working too hard to achieve harmony – and creating dissonance along the way. It’s really hard for me to hold back from identifying a solution before the problem is even realized.

The idea is ever appealing to me- especially when put in simple terms. What does balance at work mean, when there is not always a clear vision, confidence, trust or even passion from employees? And then there is the burn-out equation where there is no balance between work and life for some, but not everyone shares the same live-to-work value.

Is this realistic or utopic? Does it help to set a goal of peace and harmony or is it too superficial?

Please share your thoughts!

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