The Art of Passion

Most of us would say that it takes passion to be any kind of artist. When I was watching a trio of musicians playing at a house party recently, the way they sang and felt the music was beautifully displayed in their actions and on their faces. As a result, their “art” was full of fire and passion.

At work, we are often taught to have a poker face. Don’t wear your emotions on your sleeves. Grin and bear the painful encounters with your boss or certain co-workers. Don’t give too much, give “just enough”.

I find it ironic that we are trying to teach creative thinking to folks who have oppressed their fire and passion over the years. We are working on opening minds to use their right hemisphere, and think about integrating their life’s work with their job and developing a canvas for creativity.

The question is, can we find their passion on the surface and is it easy to engage, or do we have to dig much deeper to find it again, and reignite it?

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