The Price of Freedom

I don’t know about you, but I am one of the busiest people I know. I am networking. Drumming up ideas for two start ups. Meeting people who might be interested in working together. Scheduling and managing client meetings. Planning a series of workshops. Managing resources and connecting dots. Wrapping up proposals. And the list goes on.

Yesterday was picture day at my 4-year old’s school. Guess who forgot?

Today I realized that the forms to order the pictures were put in my child’s parent pocket 1 week ago. Guess who didn’t check?

We’ve missed dentist appointments, doctor appointments, and all of these things are in our calendars.

So I have to ask, what exactly is wrong with this picture?

I’ll let you decide. Judge me all you want. And hopefully in your judginess, you are also looking at the working class with critical eyes and realizing just how stressed we are.

Looking at HBR, it’s depressing to read that the gap continues to widen. Listening to the news (and Jon Stewart), I simply cannot imagine being 450 pounds full of greed like the racketeering soccer dad turned FIFA mobster. Or wanting to gamefy how much money I can make with no regard for how much more that money could do for humanity, forget that it could ever be more than a statistic in an account focused on soul-less percentage points.

When is enough money, enough money? And why, as exemplified by ongoing corruption, are some people/organizations/governments trading their soul?





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