What Matters Most?

Although I’ll share more of my journey about the 3-part plan later on, I want to share one of my “coffee” meetings which might turn into a job interview.

Before I share the results, here’s how I am thinking about the job search and my criteria for a good fit. Top four things that matter are:

1. Culture at work – this includes leadership and how it transcends a work place (i.e. happy, teamwork, flexibility, gym facilities, etc).

2. Position – I need to love what I do!

3. Compensation – the idea of being rewarded for what you contribute and incentivized to work hard is all important. Health benefits, vacation and parking are all important parts of the equation. Plus I need to fund Covert Leadership.

4. Location – I am only looking for positions within cycling distance and on the bus line.

My meeting with Ed was better than I’d anticipated, which means it was stellar. The job is super flexible, it’s more of an Account Exec / Strategist and Consultant role, and I am guessing it pays more.

But one thing that concerns me is culture. While the leadership sounds positive, he said two things to me. 1) It’s a culture based on a software company where the company owner and several employees used to work and 2) He called it “stuffy”, and a place where he doesn’t exactly fit in. The other thing he said was that his boss can really make up words to impress clients. Hmm, that sounds familiar…

Well, I left the meeting thinking it’d be worth at least pursuing for now, but who knows about the culture fit!

What about you, what matters most in your job (current or future)?

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