It’s 5:00 somewhere!

Who cares that it’s Monday here, and Friday nowhere on earth right now?!

At 3:40ish today, I was craving a beer. This doesn’t happen often… and the first thing that popped into my head was “Hmm… Maybe I should wait for at least an hour?”

Wait! Let me remind you: I work for myself out of my home office. Today is a cherished “M.F.D” (Meeting Free Day). Nobody else is here and I have no scheduled work commitments for the rest of the day.

So why did I hesitate pulling a cold one out of the fridge mid-afternoon?

The only thing I can fathom is that it’s my perception of the expectations on me and the definition of what I should be doing with my workday. But whose expectations? And who cares?

I’m smiling now, because I realize how ridiculous it is to hold onto old expectations (like my boss will be upset if have a beer at my desk at 3:45 on a Monday), in a completely new context. Oh yeah, maybe also because I opened that beer.

So if you see any typos, you know what to blame it on.


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