How can we redefine job titles and roles in our current status quo at work? Org charts are a necessary artifact on a wall, but do they mean anything other than so-and-so probably makes more money than you do? Or in the case of CEO, they definitely make more money than you. 380 times more, as a matter of fact.
My cohorts are in the process now. And while we’ve been trying to create silos for each of us, we know deep down that we are fighting our intuition to just merge or blend parts of each of the positions. For instance, I might “own” Outreach, but I am passionate about product innovation and business strategy so it’s clear I’ll be a big part of it. Agent S might own operations but she also loves interaction design, product development and technology. Agent C is an amazing designer and a practicing coach, but she is instrumental in helping with some of the administrative duties (including sourcing a lawyer) and will have a lot of input on outreach and product design. Agent N is clearly the leader in facilitating groups around the world and a gender equity specialist, researcher and humanitarian, but she’s had some of the BEST ideas around product and workshop design and will be working closely on community outreach and researching best practices in the workplace.
The truth is, we all have and love certain overlapping capabilities and respect that we cannot all be high-functioning in those areas all of the time, so we need a collaborative environment where we can rely on our partner’s best thinking. Especially when we are focused on other areas. It also means we have good ideas some of the time, but we sometimes need to balance those ideas. Maybe our organizational chart becomes one large amoeba. Unicellular mindshare. Hmmm…
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