We all want to be right. And we want it so badly, we listen for confirmation of our beliefs to justify how right we are. It’s amazing how many people were shocked when they learned that the recent leader of the country was going to take some healthcare benefits away. What they didn’t realize was that they fell into the same trap as most humans do. They listened for truths they wanted to hear, and then decided that the rest of his promises were simply campaign rhetoric.
Hopefully we can all learn from this mistake. If we only listen for our truths without questioning the entire scope of promises, then we are fooling ourselves. Admitting you made a mistake is not admitting defeat. It’s admitting fallibility – being a messy human!
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Be okay with being wrong sometimes. We may have to learn the hard way, but it’s really okay to be a messy human, and not super human all of the time. In fact, being vulnerable is being a true Covert Leader!
Be kind. Be safe. Be appropriate. Now go!
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