#RPCL Log Date February 1, 2017: #BeingHuman #ModernHuman

What does it mean to be a modern human today?

How do we keep up with fast paced progress while maintaing our sanity?

With chaotic messaging and low trust, we need some help navigating our lives. It’s hard enough to integrate identity and human truths in the world with social media information overload. From our recent election, there is elevated partisan frustration regarding American jobs. But how do we define what makes us great as a nation when we hold on to the past, if the future feels like a science fiction series?

Fact: Embryos are now grown in pigs to develop human organs. Ugh. What does that mean?

Fact: Robots can now sew more efficiently than humans, potentially displacing tens of thousands of garment workers in the future. So, will there be a job for me?

Fact: Eight of the richest people own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of humanity. Um, is that okay? I guess maybe if I can still afford my nice car, apartment, house, beauty rituals, whatever I need for me, myself and I?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Take one of the topics of future evolution – CRISPR, Artificial Intelligence, Space Exploration, or another, and pick it apart. What are the implications of modernization? How could it impact humanity, beyond yourself?


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