#RPCL Log Date May 12, 2017: #BeingHuman #ZoomOut #ZoomIn

Are you incapable of seeing or understanding the big picture? Do you fret over your now, past and future? Do you have a hard time believing that life will hand you a fair shake, so you protect yourself and shield your family from any input that may disturb your balance?

Sometimes we forget why we matter. We believe we matter more when we have privilege. And we forget that all human life matters, equally. Or we believe we matter more when we have an army of like-minded people.

What about you, do you matter more than others? Are you a chosen one?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Step outside and look at the stars. Zoom out first and reflect on how small we are compared to the sky full of stars, then zoom in to your life, your place on earth. Yes, you are special. But so is the precious gift of life, breath, clean air, the visibility to see the stars, and the beauty around us. We take too much for granted. Use your special powers to unite humankind, change the world for the betterment of humanity, not just self. It won’t get you very far.

Be kind. Be safe. Be appropriate. Now go!

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