There is something that rings true to the idea of connecting back to simple values of working with our hands, and embracing a hard earned work ethic. We fervently hold on to our roots and relish a culture of yore, fearful of what might be in the unknown future. And it’s true in some ways that progress is leaving the good folks behind. We’ve never adapted our progress to our people where we have a hard-earned wage mentality tied to our American identity.
Corporations have a hard time putting people, their resources and human capital, in front of their bottom line growth. Yet it’s these very corporations that are driving change so rapidly that they invest 300 times more in CEO’s, so they can keep their focus on shareholder value not human-worker value. And many lawmakers in central government believe this is the way to a successful economy, but the math doesn’t seem to hold.
So how do we make this country what we believe it was, and provide an opportunity for American workers to contribute to its greatness? At some point we have to come back to this statement: People do not serve the market first. The market serves its people.
Your mission, if you choose to accept: Remember this: Shareholders are employees. Rethink your people strategy in your work to help even the playing field. #WinnersNotLosers #ShareholderValueIsHumanValue #HardEarnedIdentity
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