#RPCL Log Date May 23, 2017: #BeingHuman #EntitlementVersusEmpathy

Sometimes I think we have gotten so far away from shared values that we have started to create our own version of North versus South, Red versus Blue, East versus West and we cannot seem to find common ground.

It’s in there. We just need to let go of divisive language and find ways to articulate beliefs that speak to what it means to be American.

The reality is that everyone feels entitled to the comforts of a first world nation. So much so, that their entitlement skews empathy for those who have less or more wealth. And its especially hair raising when someone sees a new member of our country, a recently naturalized citizen, get more than they do, or if they have biases against someone because of race, ethnicity, religion, etc.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Rethink “entitled” so it extends to all humans. Not just your tribe. Everyone deserves a fighting chance.  #EntitlementVersusEmpathy #RethinkEntitlement

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