Superhuman Log Date February 25, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #armorup #levelup #superhumanness #yougotthis #beingsuperhuman #beinghuman

Has anyone ever said to you “I quit you”? That sounds weird. And it feels even weirder. Well, I’ve been quit before. And again, recently.

Any type of rejection feels that way – even if different phrases are used. Being quit is essentially being dumped, divorced or rejected. Being quit is when someone gives up on you or on the collective ideals and goals. It could be a boss or client. It could be a partner. It could be a child to another friend. It could be cancer. Humans learn resilience from loss, by looking it in the eyes and processing the wires and nodes lighting up in our brains. If we ignore or avoid our feelings, well then we just go bat shit crazy I suppose. That or die of stress! So don’t ignore it, take it head on.

Today my answer to a friend’s concern about a work scenario was “I’d rather act like a child right now and crawl into a hole, but I know I need to be the adult that I am”.

Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: Human up. And be the adult in every situation.

Be kind along the journey and remember, you got this!

#humanup #armorup #levelup #superhumanness #yougotthis #beingsuperhuman #beinghuman

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