Job Interviews

Do you remember your last job interview? Did you research the company and cram to determine the straight-A answers for the questions they were likely to ask?  Were you nervous?  After the interview, did you worry about whether or not they approved of you or the answers you gave?

A friend of mine went through three interviews in six days in December with one agency.  She told me on the phone tonight that she was offered the job.  While she was grateful to be offered a good job and have stable income, she was most excited, thrilled even, at the prospect of working with her future boss.  I could hear it in her voice on the phone.

That got me thinking about job interviews and supervisors.  When you are called for a job interview, do you interview them at the same time?  Do you interview the person to whom you will report?  Do you see if they meet your criteria for a “good” supervisor, for you personally? 

As I’ve become more experienced, I’ve starting interviewing my interviewers.  It changes the dynamic of the interview.  It helps create a more fulfilling work environment – and hopefully ensures a more successful job.

Over the past 28 years, I’ve had my share of supervisors, some of whom I worked with well, and some I didn’t.  I’ve been friends with some but not others.  One thing is clear, the best supervisors (and jobs) are the ones in which I “clicked” with my boss, in which we respected each other and shared values.

What about you?  What are your criteria for a “good” boss?  What do you look for in a boss when you’re interviewing with a potential new employer?  What do you need from them in order to seal the deal?




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