Making Products for the 1%

I’ve been thinking about a product I’m in the process of co-developing and whether our target audience at retail are yummie mummies or simply the 1%. I had a sudden moment of brilliance (m.0.b.) when I thought about how unique that idea was – making products for the 1%. (mpft1)

And then I remembered. Oh yeah. I used to work for a firm that liked to focus on branding luxury items. That’s really the 1% market. Even though luxury is the entire market, including my niece who wants Prada bags. And it’s really targeted at the top tier and becomes aspirational for the rest of us. So, mpft1 is really mpft1+all.

But this product is a way to give back – so can it be a “pedestrian” product, or must it be “luxury” to get those “haves”?

Okay Agent M. Enough “quotations”. You know the “answer”. Make it real. Pedestrian, and all. It will be authentic to our cause and our target audience.

Want a sneak preview? Please let us know!







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